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Supporting 3Rs through aluminium packaging recycling during this holiday season

Contributed by: Team AlCircle

02 December 23

Aluminium is the utility sweetheart of big industries as well as the domestic environment. If you look closely, aluminium packaging is an intrinsic part of festive celebrations. It is everywhere, from your favourite sweets to delicious take-out meals and satisfying beverages. But what about disposing of this packaging correctly so it does not harm the environment? The 3R framework may come in handy.

What are the 3Rs, and why are they important?

The 3R approach is a simple solution to fight the pollution problem and ensure proper waste disposal. There are three components under this framework: Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.

  • Reducing means mediated efforts taken to lessen garbage generation. It can be achieved through buying fewer products.
  • Reuse implies using existing products or waste materials that can be repurposed. For instance, glass bottles, cardboard boxes, wrapping papers, old clothes, etc.
  • Finally, you must recycle. Items like tin boxes, aluminium cans, newspapers, etc., are collected and later used as raw materials in producing various items.

These three actions are interlinked and significantly contribute to a sustainable lifestyle.

Different ways you can support the 3Rs through aluminium packaging recycling this holiday season:

Festivities are the perfect time to embrace sustainability and do your bit for the environment through the 3Rs. Thanks to aluminium's properties, it can be recycled for several years. Similarly, you can find various ways of repurposing the aluminium packaging. Let's see how you can get started.


Now it is time to know how to reduce. While your favourite beverages and take-out meals come in aluminium packaging, you can still reduce their uses without eliminating them from the festivities. You can use stylish aluminium tiffin boxes when purchasing food from local vendors. Carrying your boxes is a common sustainability practice and indeed an effective one. So, instead of carrying or storing your food in toxic plastic boxes, use reusable aluminium boxes. Pack the tempting sweets and snacks in these boxes for your loved ones.


Reusing or repurposing aluminium cans may be new, but exploring them is fun. Here are three ways you can reuse aluminium cans at home:

Cut the can in two halves, and use the bottom half to make a small herb garden or plant succulents to add a touch of greenery to Diwali parties. You can also paint the cans and decorate them.

Make customised cookie cutters with aluminium cans. The thinness and malleability of the metal cans make it easier to mould them into different shapes. Now, you can make delicious cookies without buying a cutter.

When lighting candles, residual wax sticking on tables and window sills is an annoying problem. They are also hard to clean. To avoid the hassle, you can place the candles in the lower half of a beverage can. But remember, the metal can get hotter than the glass holders. So, practice caution before handling them.

Finally, you can make cute gift items from aluminium cans, such as homemade candles, pencil holders, decorative vases, etc. You are only limited by your imagination.

These DIY ideas are a fun way to keep the children busy and include them in the festive preparations. But be careful with the cutting as the sharp edges of the can may hurt your hand.


Now comes recycling, but it is difficult for households to recycle the aluminium packaging actively. However, you can contribute to industrial recycling from the ground level. Proper disposal can facilitate a smooth recycling process. Follow these 3 steps:

1. Once the packages are empty, make sure to clean out any food residue.

2. Then, give it a quick wash and let it dry.

3. Finally, scrunch the foil into a ball and dispose of it in the dry waste bin.

This way, you do not contaminate other recyclable materials and facilitate proper industrial aluminium recycling.

Wrapping up

Recycling aluminium packaging is an excellent way to support the industry's efforts towards achieving sustainability. Since the metal can be used several times, as consumers, you can help the secondary aluminium production industry by following the 3Rs and making optimal use of resources this festive season.


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