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Aluminium- Driving the green building revolution

Contributed by: Team AlCircle

calendarJune 3, 2023

The need for sustainability and growth is being felt more strongly than ever. Architects, planners, and developers look at eco-friendly, long-lasting, sustainable solutions as cities and civilizations expand. Here is where the Green Building Revolution comes into the picture.

So what is it? The Green Building Revolution focuses on creating environmentally friendly buildings that blend renewable and non-renewable products. The materials used are environmentally friendly and help in energy conversion. They also have a low maintenance cost throughout their life. One of those materials is aluminium.

The metal is widely used in internal and external construction. As the building and construction sector strives to lower its negative environmental impact, aluminium is emerging as a key ingredient in green and sustainable buildings. The aluminium recycling rate specific to the construction industry is around 92%-95%. Due to its properties like recyclability, flexibility, malleability and strength, aluminium is replacing other metals in constructing green structures. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified buildings call aluminium the primary sustainable material.

Benefits of using aluminium in buildings

You must have heard that aluminium has earned a nickname, 'green metal'. Besides the renewable energy sector, it is also proving itself worthy of this title in the building and construction sector. Here are four benefits of using aluminium in green buildings:

  • Energy efficiency:: One of the key requirements of a green building is that it must be energy efficient. Aluminium is excellent for this purpose. When used on roofs, they reflect close to 95% of solar energy that reaches them. Since it can reflect most solar energy, it automatically increases a building's energy efficiency. Inhabitants can decrease energy- draining electronic applications' consumption to regulate the building's temperature.
  • Easily recyclable::One of the top qualities of aluminium is that it is highly recyclable. This feature matches the guidelines for a green building. Aluminium can be used several times without losing its qualities. This ability to maintain its quality despite repeated use attracts developers. They help create sustainable architecture projects, and developers invest in materials they can use forever.
  • Corrosion resistant:: Aluminium is highly resistant to corrosion, making it a green metal. It is because of the oxide coating aluminium alloy creates. Unlike other materials that rust and degrade, aluminium requires no paints or coatings. Hence builders do not have to use toxic paints, and you can avoid non-environmentally friendly repairs or dispose of non- renewable, non-recyclable materials frequently.
  • Fire safety:: Besides making the buildings sustainable, they should also be safe for inhabitation. Hence, the building should be able to fight a fire. The metal's heat insulation capabilities maintain and improve the room's temperature. Additionally, since it is non- combustible, aluminium offers the best fire protection.

Besides these four benefits, aluminium extrusions are used in building materials due to their other properties, such as their malleability. They are also used in partition panels, doors and windows because of their aesthetic value.

Green buildings- What are they?

Here is a list of six signs indicating the main qualities of a green building:

The future of aluminium in aerospace:

  • 1. Use of green building materials and products
  • 2. Conservation of non-renewable resources
  • 3. Recycling and reusing building materials
  • 4. Use of energy-efficient products
  • 5. Tangible benefits, like water reduction and operating of energy costs
  • 6. Intangible benefits like enhanced health quality and environment

If the building follows these rules, it can be deemed green. Aluminium checks most of the qualities. Therefore, it is safe to say that in the future, aluminium will play an essential role in the green building revolution.

Final words:

Also known as grey gold, aluminium is the most widely used metal today. It has cemented its place in several industries, including transportation, aviation, electrical and building & construction. As consciousness grows amongst architects and designers, the world will witness futuristic designs come to life through aluminium.