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Driving sustainable urbanization: The vital role of aluminium in building a greener future

Contributed by: Team AlCircle

calendarOctober 20, 2023

The ongoing trend of urbanisation is undeniable. According to the United Nations, by 2050, approximately 70% of the world's population will live in urban areas. This historic shift poses both opportunities and threats. While cities offer opportunities for economic development and improved quality of life, they consume vast resources and energy, generate massive waste, and produce a lion's share of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable urbanisation can make a difference

Urban areas are major contributors to climate change due to energy-intensive infrastructure, transportation emissions, and the heat island effect. They also consume vast quantities of resources, like water, energy, and raw materials, and poor urban planning leads to deforestation, habitat destruction, and increased air and water pollution, harming ecosystems, disrupting natural cycles, and threatening biodiversity. The consequences of unchecked urban growth are far-reaching, affecting the environment and the well-being and livelihoods of urban residents.

Thus, as the world continues to urbanise, policymakers, urban planners, businesses, and communities must unite to prioritise sustainable urban development. This will require forward- thinking policies, innovative technologies, and social and environmental responsibility commitment. The urgent need for sustainable urbanisation is not a matter of choice; it is imperative for our planet's and future generations' well-being.

How can aluminium drive sustainable urbanisation?

Aluminium plays a major role in supporting sustainable urbanisation in various ways. Its use in construction, transportation, infrastructure, and various applications contributes to more environmentally friendly and efficient urban development. Here are some key aspects in which aluminium contributes to sustainability in urban development.

Transportation -

Urban transport, whether public or private, is a significant component of a city's environmental footprint, and using aluminium can help make some very drastic reductions to this. Lightweight aluminium components are widely used in urban transportation, such as buses, trams, bicycles, modern metros and light rail systems. These lighter vehicles are more energy-efficient and produce fewer emissions, contributing to cleaner and more sustainable urban mobility. Electric vehicles also use aluminium in their bodies and frames to offset the weight of batteries, extending their range and improving energy efficiency.

Green architecture -

Green architecture is a design approach prioritising environmental responsibility and energy efficiency in building construction. Aluminium plays a significant role in the realisation of green architecture. Its unique properties make it an ideal choice for various aspects of sustainable building design and construction, such as constructing energy-efficient windows and doors. Its natural insulating properties help maintain indoor temperatures, reducing the need for heating and cooling. Many green building certification programs, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), recognise using aluminium in sustainable architecture.

Urban waste management -

Aluminium is one of the most recyclable materials, and recycling requires significantly less energy than primary production. Promoting recycling programs in urban areas helps conserve resources and reduce energy consumption. Substituting it for plastic in food and beverage packaging can greatly reduce the landfill space required. It is infinitely recyclable without losing its quality, and recycling aluminium requires just 5% of the energy needed for primary production.

Renewable energy -

Aluminium has emerged as a key component in various urban green energy applications. For example, it is used in the frames of solar panels, which are being integrated into urban areas and buildings to generate renewable energy. Aluminium is also used in various components of wind turbines, as its light weight allows for efficient energy generation even at lower wind speeds.

Sustainable cities offer a pathway to a brighter future by reducing carbon emissions, conserving resources, promoting equity, and enhancing the quality of life for citizens. By addressing the urgent need for sustainable urbanisation, we can build cities that are thriving centres of opportunity and safeguard our planet's future. Aluminium's versatility, sustainability, and energy efficiency make it valuable in this pursuit. Its widespread use in various urban applications can help reduce environmental impact, improve the quality of life for urban residents, and promote responsible resource management in growing cities.

To delve further into why aluminium has emerged as the premier material in the construction and building industry, fostering sustainable urban development, we encourage you to explore the informative e-Magazine published by AL Circle,"Aluminium - Revolutionizing the Construction Sector".